First, you should know what cPanel is. It is a way of managing your website and your hosting options. It is a control panel as a GUI, though technically it is a graphical, web-based interface. With your control panel, you can quickly manage your website, you can automate tasks, and you may manage your hosting options.
Webmin is disabled by default, you will have to enable it:
– Access the server via SSH
– Run
#/etc/init.d/webmin start
– Access server via SSH
– Download Cpanel in /home/cpins
– Run
# wget
– Install the editor nano
# yum install nano
– Launch system-config-security level-tui
# system-config-securitylevel-tui
It is hard to believe there was actually a time when developers and server administrators were forced to utilize shell commands and complex configuration files. To accomplish simple tasks like setting up an email account.