Red Hat has made it clear: it won’t enter into a deal with Microsoft like the one Novell struck with the Redmond software giant. But Red Hat does…
Version 3 of the GPL is finally out. The Free Software Foundation took a stab at Apple’s iPhone software in its release, but what does mean for open-source…
Canonical chief executive Mark Shuttleworth has been finding his way into tech news this week, first with a keynote address urging the Linux community to collaborate on security…
Mark Shuttleworth, the founder, and CEO of Ubuntu thinks the open source community needs a federated. Decentralized system for tracking patches and bugs. In other words, he wants…
Red Hat is offering secure server bundles in partnership with Symantec. The companies are aiming to help small and medium-sized businesses secure server hosts.
If you’ve been following the tech news with even one eye open, you’ve no doubt heard about Microsoft calling out the open source camp on patent infringement. Microsoft’s…