As part of life and work, we need to be updated on different topics and issues that can affect us directly or indirectly. Some of those issues include gun control laws, gluten intolerance, cryptocurrency, YouTube influencers, and DDoS attacks.

The most common and that can threaten the safety of our personal information are the cyber attacks.

What is DDoS?

DDoS stands for distributed denial of service. This is a type of cyberattack that seeks to take a website offline or make it so slow.  So that visitors stop trying to use it.

Accomplishing this by overwhelming the website with malicious traffic. This malicious traffic comes from what’s called a botnet. This is a network of devices that attackers have infected with malware to control the device from afar. Therefore, causing a webpage to slow down, making it difficult to upload.

DDoS attacks are tremendously effective at doing damage to a website or business. Even if an attack is not powerful enough to damage hardware or software, a successful DDoS attack causes frustration in users. Because of this frustration, a lot of users can drop one webpage for another one.

Photo: Marcus Spiske


Six of the most common DDoS attack types

UDP flood.  An attack where a server is overwhelmed by apparent legitimate requests.

DNS flood.  A DNS (Domain Name System) server is responsible for translating a domain name into its IP address so your device can get to that domain over the internet.

HTTP flood. This is an attack type that involves sending HTTP requests to a server that require the server to allocate the maximum amount of resources. These requests are often HTTP-POST requests which are requests for dynamic content.

SYN flood. An attacking botnet hits the victim server with a large number of SYN or synchronizes requests, the first step in establishing a connection between browser and website server.

DNS amplification. In DNS amplification, attackers send requests to a number of publicly available DNS resolvers, with the requests spoofed to look like they are coming from the victim.

NTP amplification. NTP servers are publicly accessible servers that allow Internet-connected devices to synchronize their clocks.

Attack type similarities

Varies though the attack types.

DDoS Protection

ServerPronto offers basic DDoS protection on all dedicated servers.



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