Every company needs a server these days, but that doesn’t mean they all need the same kind. With countless versions to choose from,  it’s important that you understand what all your options are. One very popular version is a dedicated server.

Choosing a dedicated server

A shared server means that you are sharing your resources with other companies. Think about sharing a well with your neighbors. Most of the time, this may not cause any issues. However, if you all decide to run a bath at the same time, you could find that your water access is curtailed.

To continue the analogy, with a dedicated server, you’d have your own well. Use it as much as you like and know that your water access will never be limited by others.

Choosing a dedicated server is a big step. While it is obviously extremely advantageous, if you don’t pick the best possible version, you can rest assured that you’ll end up regretting it.

The first thing to look for is the processing power. No matter what you’re using your dedicated server for, it’s going to need some amount of power to perform the tasks you expect from it. Dedicated servers that run websites with video-transcoding, CPU-intensive scripts and SQL and other demanding features, you’ll need plenty of power to keep it going.

Reasons for Choosing a Dedicated Server

Along the same lines, you want plenty of memory available. Again, if you’re using a dedicated server for your company’s website, you need ample memory so that it can load quickly. While the right amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) will be different for everyone, a good rule of thumb is that you can never have enough.

Another element to consider is how much storage capacity your site needs. Many companies utilize dedicated servers with more than one hard drive. This gives them a primary drive with another that backs it up (also called mirroring). Sometimes, multiple hard drives are simply necessary so that one can take over when the initial one becomes full.

Finally, you need to consider how much bandwidth is necessary for your website’s traffic. How much bandwidth you pay for will decide how much data your website can send and receive in a given billing cycle. Bandwidth is also necessary for sites that have high database communication requirements, quality images, multimedia files and other demanding features.

Dedicated servers are a huge advantage you should consider using for your company’s website or other needs. However, be sure to review the above before making any investments or you may end up regretting.

ServerPronto offers the best affordable and secure hosting service in all dedicated server packages.



Why and How to Choose A Dedicated Server

Photo cred: Flickr / expertseo009

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