Although servers are a necessary feature of every virtual environment, that doesn’t mean they’re always easy to understand. If your company is currently in the market for a server, you may be learning this the hard way at the moment.

Two very popular versions you may be considering are dedicated servers and virtual servers. Both bring a lot to the table, especially if you’ve already decided that shared hosting isn’t going to cut it.

Dedicated Server

A dedicated server, for those who don’t know, is a machine that has only one task. It might be responsible for a given application or for hosting a site. However, it’s much different than a shared server where the machine may have several different purposes. These machines are also used by a number of different companies, so you basically need to share the resources.

The major advantage of a dedicated server is that you get all the resources to yourself. You never have to worry about your site suffering because another company sharing your server is experiencing issues.

As you can imagine, though, that kind of hardware costs a lot of money. While it’s definitely advantageous, then, for many companies, it just isn’t realistic.

Fortunately, this doesn’t mean they need to accept lackluster results from their server. With virtual servers, a company can essentially get the best of both worlds. Virtual servers still share machines, but they essentially work as though they were their own.

Virtual Server

Now, many businesses will still favor dedicated servers because they come with far more power. This is worth it at any price for some. Nowadays, though, we’re seeing more and more virtual servers integrate cloud technology that makes them incredibly scalable. As a result, they may not have the most power now, but if you need them to in the future, they can evolve as necessary. A cloud-based virtual server will also have more space and provide greater speeds, to begin with. Even though a virtual server gives you more resources than a shared one, you’re still sharing them to some degree.

Dedicated hosting also comes with more customization options. This is yet another reason they cost more, but again, for a lot of companies, this added feature makes them worth it. In the end, it will depend on your business’ unique needs.

Both dedicated and virtual servers have a lot to offer that’s worth considering. Still, they are different enough that you should think long and hard about which option will serve your business best.

ServerPronto offers the best affordable and secure hosting service in all dedicated server packages.




Photo cred: Flickr / BobMical

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