Windows and Linux are the two most common operating systems used on servers, and there are some great reasons for using one or the other. In essence, there is not a wrong choice.

If you are planning on using ASP.NET, MSSQL or ASP, then you are better off with a Windows hosting package. If you are planning on using MySQL or PHP, then a Linux hosting package will suit you better.

Your recommended hosting package is Windows if your website is going to use ASP to interact with your MSSQL, and if you have or plan on using an ASP.NET application, then Windows is for you. If you are using PHP to interact with your MSSQL, then Linux is for you. Linux may also be better if you are using Joomla, Actinic, Magenta, or WordPress website hosting.

Using Windows

It is a very popular operating system that has a lot of support, and many people consider it easier to write for; however, that is probably because when most people start learning code, then they learn a Windows-friendly language.

Using Linux

It is just as popular as Windows operating system, and even though it is not supported, it is very cheap to install and just as quick to get running.

Using Macintosh

Such host servers are very, very rare to the point where if you are looking to host a website on a MAC server then they are probably going to have to host it by yourself.

Using Unix

The hardware for Unix is more specific and more expensive, which is why there are fewer website hosting services that use Unix.

Writing Pages

Both Linux and Windows servers will serve JavaScript and HTML. The only difference is that Linux calls theirs “.html” whereas Windows call theirs “.htm” but this makes no difference when writing your pages or uploading them. You can get FrontPage extensions with Windows, but you can get it with Linux too.

File Transfer protocols

Getting access to your server is different depending upon which hosting service you use. Linux and Windows hosted operating systems are going to allow you FTP access. Linux service packages often offer SSH access or telnet access on top of what Windows offers. However, if you want to set up telnet with Windows, then it is possible. If you do use Linux, then it means you may open up a window on your computer and manipulate your server files from there. That is why some people set up telnet with Windows too.

ServerPronto offers the best affordable and secure hosting service in all dedicated server packages.


Photo credit Flickr / quapan

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