There are a few myths about cloud servers that have probably come about because cloud hosting is still a relatively new idea. Here are a few myths that you may have heard already.

1) My database isn’t going to run on the cloud

It is a myth because if you are going to have problems with the cloud, then you are going to have issues with VPS and unmanaged dedicated servers. The fact is that it is far more likely to be a technical problem of your own doing. It is like renting a house and complaining because you have decorated it incorrectly.

2) The Cloud is not Eco-Friendly

It is based on the idea that lots of servers are sitting dormant and not doing anything. But, it is a double-edged sword because surely sharing the services that the cloud offers is better than having VPS or a dedicated server where you are not using most of its capacity for most of the time you have it.

3) The cloud is not private enough

It is a security issue that does require attention, but if you think about it, you can see how cloud security is a big deal for most hosts. If the cloud were proven to be unsafe, then cloud companies would lose millions in sales, so if any variety of company is trying its best with security then surely cloud hosts are near the top of the list.

4) There is never any downtime

If you were to explain how the cloud works to someone, then you may see how they think that a website hosted on a cloud hosting service may never go down, but they do.

5) Cloud storage and hosting is very complex

It is untrue. Cloud storage can be as simple as dropping a file on an icon, and cloud hosting is no more complicated than the host makes it. A host can create any hosting easy or complex as the host sees fit.

6) A cloud server isn’t reliable enough for my program

Is a cloud server going to be more reliable than a dedicated server? Probably not, but that does not mean it is unreliable. Just because something is not as good as something else does not say it is terrible. A Ferrari may be better than a Mercedes, but that does not make Mercedes a lousy type of car. A cloud server is reliable enough to take on most programs, including huge ones. Many programming companies use cloud services to decompile their programs for them.

ServerPronto offers the best affordable and secure hosting service in all dedicated server packages.

Photo credit Flickr/Mark

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