So, you’ve installed Ubuntu 11.10 and found out that it’s all gone and replaced by what seems to be too good of a qualificative of a sidebar and what appears to be a poignant attempt to kill all interest on an open source Operating System. Fear not as we can still make the best of it.
Ubuntu desktop had a very easy, kind interface since the times of 7.04, about 4 years ago, the menu on the top, bar on the bottom, happy explorer on the chair, never a miscommunication, yet this has been replaced by a mac-os-ish-windows-7 look. To get rid of this, follow this guide that I’ve just re-checked for you:
1. Sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback
2. Reboot, before logging in , click the gear button and select GNOME Classic (No Effects)
3. Add ‘ppa:jconti/gnome3‘ to your Software Sources (top left, click the gear, ctrl panel -> add sw sources)
On terminal: sudo apt-get update, then ‘sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-complete’.
Alt+Right click on the top panel
Add new panel
Alt+Right click on the new panel
change orientation to top
Choose ‘Properties’
Select the ‘background’ tab
Select background image and click the button
Navigate/select ‘/usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/apps/img/panel.png’
4. Â Alt+Right click on the old panel and delete it
Alt+Right click on the new top panel
Choose ‘Add Applets’
Add ‘Indicator Applet Complete’
Alt + mid click the applet and move right
Add ‘Menu Bar’
5. Â Open a new Terminal
Run: gksu gedit /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-3.0/apps/gnome-panel.css
Add ‘-PanelMenuBar-icon-visible: true;’ (no quotes) to the bottom of the ‘PanelMenuBar.menubar.menuitem’ item just above and before the } symbol
Logout and login
6. Â Open a Terminal
Enter: gksu gedit /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/gnome-classic.session
Change the line:
Save and close
7. reboot, login and select ‘GNOME Classic’
That way you get a working oldish type of desktop with compiz and all effects working…
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