Top tips for migrating to a dedicated server

Moving…just hearing the word is enough to put a shiver down your spine. Just when you’ve got your stuff exactly where you want it and it’s all working together like the proverbial well-oiled machine, it’s time to pack it all up and put it back down someplace else.

And, no, we’re not talking about residential dwellings. We’re talking about the unpleasant realities of outgrowing your shared server.
Just like that tiny apartment you used to live in, your server is probably set up just the way you want it. The only problem is it’s a little cramped. What’s more, the neighbors are up all night, doing things you don’t even want to think about.
You need more space, more bandwidth, more performance, more customization – more everything. So you’ve decided to bite the bullet and make the move to a spacious, stand-alone, dedicated server. But where do you start?

Server search basics

Well, what’s the first thing you do when looking for a new home? Open the newspaper and pick one from the most colorful ad you see? Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? Many people do essentially that when looking for a new online home.
To make a smart move, you need to do your homework. Sit down and analyze your traffic patterns and possible future bandwidth needs. Ask yourself what features you’d add to your site if you had total control over the applications installed on your server. Research the security options and write down what you’d do differently if you had your way. Set up a maintenance and update schedule – remember, this will be your responsibility from now on.
Now, pore over the sites of well-regarded providers, noting their uptime guarantees, support policies, server specs and, finally, prices. And, since you’re just starting out with dedicated servers, make sure your proposed provider doesn’t require a long-term contract. A month-to-month agreement is best.

Hold your horses

Once you’ve chosen a provider, resist the urge to move in right away. Sure, a server’s a powerful new toy – naturally, you want to get in there and try out all the buttons and switches. But, before you do, make an inventory of all the software you’ll need, from a web server, such as Apache, to a control panel application, like Plesk or cPanel, to database software, such as MySQL.
If possible, set up an unused PC with your choice of operating system, install all your apps from the ground up and put them to work on a copy of your data. Use the system just as you will when you go live, looking for any weaknesses along the way.
When the test system is operating smoothly, you’re ready to go. Back up all data, then choose a time when your site’s quiet to pack up and move. Once the system is in place, update all your applications, especially those related to security, according to the maintenance schedule you prepared earlier.
Then, open the doors and turn on the lights. You’re in business and have the peace of mind knowing you won’t have to pack up and move again – unless you want to.

ServerPronto offers affordable and secure dedicated servers and cloud hosting service packages.

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